Tag Archives: jayma mays

Fictional Friday :: 5 women I’d love to invent an alternate canon for

23 Dec

5. Alice Cullen (Ashley Greene, Twilight)
I’ll admit to enjoying Alice.  I think that’s just because I’ve had alt-canon for Alice since I made myself sit down and read Twilight back when, so much so that when my cousins asked me Team Edward or Team Jacob, I had a long-winded explanation that I called Team Jasper for their innocent minds but was really Team Jasper and Alice Befriend Spike And Dru And Have Wacky Morbid Adventures.  That’s the life I want for Alice.  I mean, I love her, because she’s the only one not mired in a compulsion to marry and procreate, and because she’s got that whole wacky seer thing going for her, but I’d want more for her.  (Maybe I also like Alice ’cause Ashley Greene models for Stop Staring!  That could be part of it.)

4. Emma Pillsbury (Jayma Mays, Glee)
In part because she gets, you know, three-or-less minutes of screen time per episode and that’s a shame, and in part because she really hasn’t gotten to do much this season but have crappy parents and be Will’s lady friend.  I mean, I’m happy that so far they’re letting her be Will’s lady friend consistently and not trying to fudge it up with some stupid plot diversion, but.  I think the only time I really like Will any more is when he’s with Emma, and even then sometimes I feel like he needs to just think before acting.  He’s gotten better, I’ll allow.  But still.  I want a world where Emma gets to actually say more than a line or two per episode and not a line or two that’s directly encouraging or discouraging the actions of another character.  I want those adorable cardigans-tea-and-neurosis parties with Bennett Halverson that I mentioned way back when.  Or cardigans-tea-and-neurosis parties with anyone.  I just want more people around Emma who really like Emma and understand Emma, I guess.

3. Tina Cohen-Chang (Jenna Ushkowitz, Glee)
Really, I had a hard time with narrowing it down to two Glee women, because I think that Quinn, Santana, and Brittany probably also deserve a world that’s better for them, but I love Tina and Emma the most sincerely, which we already know, so I’m sticking with them.  I don’t know what I want for Tina, but I want something.  I want her to get to be the star of her own life, with her awesome style; apparently, she’s really morbid (she’s claimed that she is) but we never really get to hear it because we rarely get to hear her say anything more significant than “yeah, that’s right!” or a synonym for that.  I want her to get to live in a world where someone doesn’t make reference to her Asianness every day.

2. Knives Chau (Ellen Wong, Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World)
I think Knives is adorable, I really do.  Maybe she and Tina could go be stop-talking-about-my-Asianness buddies in some super-alt-canon.  I also think that Knives would be way less crazy if she had a different life situation than she does: if her first boyfriend wasn’t quite so, you know, Scott-ish, I think she’d be less apt to go craycray on him.  And she’s a total badass, I want her to get to go be a badass somewhere.  She deserves that chance.  And she somewhat gets to be awesomer by the end of the comics, but there just wasn’t the time in the film continuity, and I understand.  So film!Knives, I want to magick up an alt-canon for.

1. Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner, Game of Thrones)
I don’t know what fate has in store for her in the books — I’m still finishing the first one.  But Sansa, I’ve always wanted to have a completely different life.  I feel like all of the hate that she gets is because of her reactions to situations in her life, and her not knowing how the hell to handle them.  And I think that if she had a different life, she’d learn how better to handle them, and there would be different situations altogether.  I mean, she’s betrothed to the d-bag whose mother had her father killed, and society is consumed with getting her to be proper and ladylike, no wonder she can act like a twit.  She doesn’t know better.  Let’s take her to a completely different world, like, I don’t know, Hogwarts (Founders’ Era, to keep it period, or modern, to completely AU the hell out of it) or something else with magic and let that shape her instead.  Yeah.

–your fangirl heroine.

Television Tuesday :: 10 actors and actresses with amazing facial reactions

6 Dec

Recently while watching Glee (well, Mercedes isn’t pregnant, so my ultimatum didn’t come to be; I’m thinking of making another one, because at this point continuing to watch just feels like I’m wasting my time and making myself way too cranky, but I haven’t been able to yet, because I am terrible at stopping watching things in the middle), I was liveblogging it (except not really, because I was just writing notes on paper so the people around me didn’t want to punch me), and I wrote this down: “I would watch 45 minutes of Jayma Mays’ facial reactions to things.”  It wouldn’t have to even be facial reactions to audible conversations.  I could just watch her face be ridiculous and adorable and expressive all over the place while other off-screen people presumably talked and instrumental music played or something. Then I realized that I could watch this for many, many people, and a list was born.  A list that is 60% Whedon actors, this go-round, but I think this is almost inevitable.

10. Jayma Mays (here pictured as Emma Pillsbury in Glee)

The approximately three minutes of onscreen Emma time per episode constitute one of the only reasons I don’t completely hate that I can’t look away from the train wreck that Glee has become yet.  Those three adorable minutes make up for so much painful.  I like to watch Jayma react to people and pretend she’s somewhere else making those adorable faces at someone more interesting.

9. Nelsan Ellis (here pictured as Lafayette Reynolds in True Blood)

Have I mentioned this before?  Well, not in the “45 minutes straight of Nelsan Ellis face” context exactly, but pretty much.

8. Amy Acker (here seen as Claire Saunders in Dollhouse)

Remember the confusing Claire feelings?  Yep.  I’ve seen some pictures of Amy in Angel, and she was adorable, but since I haven’t seen Angel (well, any of her episodes) I can’t feel qualified to comment.  Instead?  Some pictures of Claire!Amy being expressive and stuff.  (In case you haven’t picked up on it or don’t, I have a thing for elaborate eye rolling faces.)

7. Nathan Fillion (here seen as Malcolm Reynolds in Firefly, Captain Hammer in Dr. Horrible, and Richard Castle in Castle)

This man has some of the most amazing facial reactions on the planet.  And a lot of the funny ones were in the background of a conversation, and therefore the caps weren’t as high-quality, but here’s a nice range of amiable and cocky and know-it-all.

6. Alyson Hannigan (here seen as Willow Rosenberg in Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Ditto the comments re: Amy and Angel as to why I didn’t pull some Lily Aldrin of How I Met Your Mother in here.  I’ve seen a few episodes, but not enough.  And Willow face is my favorite face.  She is my original could-watch-this-forever face.  At least of recent years.

5. Timothy Olyphant (here seen as Seth Bullock in Deadwood and Raylan Givens in Justified)

Timothy’s face is often intense and glowery, as per the first picture, but he can smirk and pout with the best of them, too.

4. Summer Glau (here seen as River Tam in Firefly, Cameron Phillips in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, and Bennett Halverson in Dollhouse)

Yes, this is the most predictable list of all time, but really?  I feel like I just want animated gifs of every facial expression reaction series this woman ever makes.  She can say so much with individual looks.  Shocked, emotive, passive, happy, sad, dangerous, knowing, vulnerable, badass, shy, silly, all of it.

3. Bill Hader (here seen in various Saturday Night Live sketches)

This man is one of the best parts of SNL.  No matter what he’s doing, he’s making the greatest faces of all time.  Even if — especially if — he’s just in the background.  Sometimes the entire point of a sketch seems to be to let him make progressively more absurd faces, and I’m good with it.

2. Morena Baccarin (here seen as Inara Serra in Firefly)

She has every facial expression, and her vulnerable ones are rarer but beautiful and poignant and all that, but she can just make the greatest snark faces of all time, too.  Pure eye rolling vitriolic doom faces, smirky know-it-all faces.

1. Fran Kranz (here seen as Topher Brink in Dollhouse)

The predictable continues, but I am unashamed.  I always love him, but he’s earned the number one spot this week with the release of the trailer for The Cabin in the Woods – I didn’t have caps of it, and anyway it’s a film so not relevant to Television Tuesday, but he was making brilliant faces the entire time.  The trailer is like 1/4 his brilliant faces.  And really.  I can never get tired of his expressions.

–your fangirl heroine.

Television Tuesday :: insert witty Glee pun here.

12 Oct

I have 5 main subheadings for this post:

  1. I’m not done with Glee, but I’m… getting there.
  2. If Mercedes (Amber Riley) is pregnant, I am gonna cut a bitch.
  3. Can the entire program just be Mike’s (Harry Shum Jr.) dancing, Tina’s (Jenna Ushkowitz) clothes, Emma’s (Jayma Mays) adorableness, and Brittany (Heather Morris) saying funny things please?
  4. Marti Noxon my baby where are you?
  5. I just looked up the definition of “retcon” on Urban Dictionary, and I’m pretty sure that’s what they do to everyone every single episode.

I figured since there was no new Glee this week, I could discuss my feelings about the show and the season thus far without accidentally forgetting a new happening.  So I’ll address each subheading.

  1. Many of the reasons I mentioned for why Glee doesn’t suck earlier this year have kind of become stagnant.
    • Sue (Jane Lynch)?  Well, yes, there are funny one-liners.  Lynch delivers them well.  But really, woman.  You had a great emotional turn around the end of last season.  But the writers needed you around to be a raging bitch all the time, so they, well, retconned you.  And it’s getting old.  It really, really is.  The more jokes Sue tells, the more it feels like nagging.
    • I still appreciate what Chris Colfer did for people re: gayness and all.  And I still adore Darren Criss (mostly because he was singing Harry Potter).  But I’m just… kind of over Kurt and Blaine as characters.  And by “kind of” I mean really.  Kurt has been having the exact same emotional crisis over and over since season one, and I understand it, I do, but does he have to have some variation of it every single episode?  And Blaine just isn’t that interesting.  I understand that he could act Tony in their production of West Side Story better than Kurt could, I don’t doubt that, and I don’t think Kurt’s voice is right for Tony either, but Blaine… kind of isn’t rangy enough for it.  They had him sort of faking/fudging a few of the high notes.  And maybe that’s just me being neurotic, but I wasn’t really buying it.

    Also, a lot of the things that annoyed me always haven’t changed.

    • Rachel (Lea Michele) is still on my Fictional Women to Punch list.  I mean.  She’s a very good singer, I love all the vintage dresses she’s been wearing this season, she’s super cute.  But she’s frustrating.
    • Mercedes is also frustrating.  If I have to see her whinge about being second to Rachel one more time, I may scream.  It’s not that she’s not talented.  She is.  She and Rachel are both talented.  But they’re not like objects.  Mercedes would have been a subpar Maria in West Side Story for the same reason that Rachel would be, to use one of Mercedes’ favorite metaphors, a subpar Effie White in Dreamgirls.  Could the Glee Club come up with new songs to sing that could showcase what Mercedes does better than with a riffing trill at the last ten measures?  Yes.  But that’s not a reason to swear vengeance against Rachel (much).
    • Quinn (Dianna Agron) is also frustrating.  The whole diversion into the land of having dyed hair and smoking at the season’s beginning?  Pretty much pointless.  Quinn is one of those people that I feel bad for, but at the same time want to smack: yes, a lot of crap has happened to her.  She got pregnant, she gave up the baby, her boyfriend dumped her.  But at the same time… well, girl, get over it.  Giving up the baby was a smart decision, and she apparently forgot about it for an entire season, but now suddenly it bothers her again?  Her boyfriend would have dumped her no matter what: it’s high school.  People break up.  There are very few high school relationships that last.  WikiAnswers says it’s a 2% chance.
    • The writers are trying so hard to make it a show that embraces diversity and differences that it’s inadvertently a little bothersome.  I mean, we get it.  It’s wacky!  There are black kids!  There are geeky kids!  There are Hispanic kids!  There are stupid kids!  There are Asian kids!  For some reason, this one bothers me the most: it’s like when they were doing the bit in season one where everyone had their stereotypes drawn out of a hat and Tina and Mike were called “Asian” and “Other Asian,” they decide that that would be the only defining factor of their existences.  Not an episode seems to go by without an Asian joke or reference; last week’s episode was called “Asian F,” for crying out loud.  Apparently A minuses are Asian Fs; I had never heard that before.  But hey.
    • And speaking of embracing differences… you know a weird pattern I’ve noticed?  There can be an interracial hookup at the end of one season (Tina and Artie, Mercedes and Sam) but by the beginning of the next season, that nonwhite girl will be hooked up with a nonwhite guy.  I actually think Tina and Mike are adorable, so I’m not complaining from that standpoint, but really?  Once was weird but I could shrug it off; twice now with Mercedes dating an also-black football player?  Because they actually had to take Sam off the show?  (He was sort of boring, yeah, but sometimes he was a nerd and that was theoretically neat.)  Didn’t Mercedes express disinterest at Kurt’s offer to set her up with an also-black football player before?  And if said player loves her so much, he’d be willing to be in West Side Story and dance without bitching.
    • Why is it that all the main relationships go through the same pattern over and over?  I mean, Finn (Cory Monteith) and Rachel.  They’re secretly crushing on each other.  Then they’re dating.  Then they’re broken up.  Then they’re crushing again, and one or both of them has another love interest.  Then they’re dating again.  Then they’re broken up again.  Then they’re dating again.  I’m just counting the episodes till there’s tumult again.  Finn and Quinn, same story.  Will (Matthew Morrison) and Emma.  They’re secretly crushing on each other.  Then one or both of them has another love interest.  Then there’s a dramatic breakup.  Then they’re dating.  Then there are differences and they break up.  Then they’re interested in each other again.  I’m really hoping they stay together this time.  I mean, I kind of want to punch Will sometimes (he’s well-intentioned, but not always correct) but my punching desires are usually regarding things other than Emma.  Usually.  He seems to want to do right by Emma, and he makes her happy, I think, so that’s good enough for me.
    • If all of the Glee Project kids have as random of cameos as Lindsay did?  What, what, what even.
    • LET THE OTHER GIRLS HAVE SOLOS OCCASIONALLY.  They let Santana (Naya Rivera) and Brittany sing more, and that’s cool.  They let Mercedes sing more, which… see above.  I’m actually just talking about Tina, because… Tina.  Baby.  I love her, I always have, there are no reasons for it other than my need to latch onto the backgroundiest background characters with the best clothes and a morbid bent. I thought when they started dressing her in more colors this season that that would mean they’d let her sing more.  She’s less Goth and more Mod; I mean, I miss Goth Tina.  I do.  Especially last season neo-Victorian Goth Tina.  But Mod Tina is still cute, too.  And she does have a nice voice.  And I’m pretty sure she hasn’t sung a single line alone since the stupid Willy Wonka song in the funeral episode last season.
  2. This was something my dad brought up last week.  I didn’t think of it, but during the giant Dreamgirls dream sequence, he exclaimed, “Oh my god, Mercedes is pregnant, isn’t she.”  I… had to admit that it was a valid possibility.  She’s tired, she’s cranky, she feels sick.  But really, kids: we do not need another teenage pregnancy line on this show.  They beat that one into the ground.  The only way it would be at all different would be if it was like an I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant kind of thing, and that would be really annoying too, so.  I actually suggested that she might have cancer or something instead; that would also be frustrating, but at least it would be different.  (And can I just talk about the Dreamgirls sequence for a minute?  Because that made me want to stab someone.  [This season of Glee is bringing out my theoretical violent impulses, apparently.]  At first I was like, “okay, dream sequence, wacky fun.”  But then my analysis hat kicked in: yes, Kurt should have been one of the other Dreamgirls.  Yes, Santana can sing it – though given the fact that she’d just rejoined Glee after being kicked out, she didn’t really have an emotional right.  Quinn did pretty much the same thing, and had just as little emotional right, and I thought Mercedes and Quinn were bonded for… no wait, just kidding, they completely forgot about that once season one ended and Quinn birthed her baby.  Tina could have been singing it.  She would have been a more emotionally appropriate Anika Noni Rose character, being the one who always gets neglected and backgrounded, but psh, we can’t let Tina have solos.  That would be crazy.  And why on Earth did they keep calling Mercedes Effie, but everyone else got referred to by their real life names?  And… okay, done.)
  3. This is straightforward.  Mike, Tina, Emma, and Brittany are the only characters I care about at all anymore.  “Asian F” was a frustrating episode for many reasons, but it was all worth it for Mike dancing.  (And Riff is a part that you can kind of talk-sing, so good choice, them.)  Tina, see above. Emma… is just too precious.  I don’t think they always have the right thing to do with her, but I think she’s darling.  And I just want to hug her always.  Brittany’s one-liners aren’t old yet.  They’re just so random and ridiculous; they’re not mean-spirited or bitchy or repetitive.  They’re just things that come out of her mouth that make no sense and yet make absolutely perfect sense.  And despite being pretty bookstupid, she’s very peoplesmart, and I honestly think she’s got a better head on her shoulders about people things than just about any of the other characters do.
  4. Marti Noxon was reported to be joining the writing and producing staff of Glee this season, and after this interview with her especially, I was giddy.  I mean… one of my Whedon mafia writer women who completely looks at it logically?  But she doesn’t even have a page on the Glee wiki yet.  She has not helped yet.
  5. Observe.
    1. (original meaning) Adding information to the back story of a fictional character or world, without invalidating that which had gone before.
    2. (more common usage) Adding or altering information regarding the back story of a fictional character or world, regardless of whether the change contradicts what was said before.  (urbandictionary.com)
    Retconning is something I generally frown at.  The example they give of Dawn on Buffy is actually a great one, and actually one that I’ve found myself adjusting to.  I mean, I still hate early Dawn.  But she became slightly less punchable by the end.  And she made for good plot things.  But on Glee it’s silly.  They keep trying to add to everyone’s lives and backstories and personalities and it’s like just leave it alone, people.  Season one was warm fuzzies because it was more genuine.  It wasn’t trying to please millions of teenagers.  (I read someone in Entertainment Weekly saying that it felt like last season’s Glee had been written on Twitter or something.  TRUE FACTS, kids.)  And it needs to go back to that.  The retconning needs to stop.

Sigh.  Sigh.  Sigh.  (And if Mercedes really is pregnant, which I want to doubt but cannot fully, I may actually have to stop watching altogether.)

–your fangirl heroine.

Fictional Friday :: 10 cross-canon crack friendships that should be.

14 May

I am the weirdo who thinks about things like this, yes.  This could very well be cross-posted to Whedon Wednesday, yes.  Literally half of these include Firefly folk, yes.  I am shameless, yes.

10. Seth Bullock (Timothy Olyphant, Deadwood) and Malcolm Reynolds (Nathan Fillion, Firefly/Serenity)
They’d be those awkward non-bro bro friends that sometimes get in arguments but have each other’s back.  They wouldn’t always match politics to a T, but Mal would appreciate having someone on the inside of the law occasionally, and Bullock would let Mal’s criminality slide ’cause it’s sometimes morally upstanding and whatnot, and that’s what matters more.  They’d get together for a drink and make 😐 faces about women and Bullock would tell Mal to be more respectful of Inara ’cause he’s a gentleman like that and hey, he knows some whores, she’s no whore, she’s a classy lady.  And they’d have epic tight pants/suspenders/sexy wound parties.  Basically.

9. Joanie Stubbs (Kim Dickens, Deadwood) and Nandi (Melinda Clarke, Firefly)
(Deadwood and Firefly go together well in my head, okay?)  Sort of like Joanie and Maddie, except for Nandi wouldn’t be a double-crossy “awesome, I’mma go ahead and set it up so there’s murdering going on here” bitch.  Nandi would totally be someone that Joanie could turn to, especially re: being weird about ~the life~.  Nandi would remind Joanie to respect herself, and Joanie so needs that.

8. Penny (Felicia Day, Dr. Horrible) and Peggy Olson (Elisabeth Moss, Mad Men)
No, seriously.  Peggy needs girlfriends that don’t wanna be her girlfriend.  Penny needs girlfriends.  They both need someone to bitch and moan at about the disparities in the world and/or workplace.  Penny would stop by for frozen yogurt lunches, Peggy would help Penny write her resume, they could give each other good advice impartially, because they’re both the sort of person that can be much more practical re: others, probably.  Penny: “So I met this guy…  [tl;dr]”  Peggy: “…you’re dating a man whose pseudonym refers… to his penis…?  Really?”  Penny: “I know, I know.”  They both have that certain girl next door je ne sais quoi about them.

7. William Miller (Patrick Fugit, Almost Famous) and Rory Gilmore (Alexis Bledel, Gilmore Girls)
The literary/music/awesome things conversations alone would be epic.  Rory would lend her mom whenever William just needed to gtfo and away from Elaine, William would lend his to help Rory do college applications and things.  And when Christopher came to visit, ever, he’d totally take William out with them.  “You ought to date my daughter, lol.”  Awkwardface, then William: “…we’re just best friends, that’s more than enough.  Dating would be… weird.”  William would send Rory some of the ashtrays and stuff he stole from hotels, Rory would be jealous, William would give Rory advice about living out of a suitcase and a bus.  Amazing, I think so.

6. Hoban “Wash” Washburne (Alan Tudyk, Firefly) and Topher Brink (Fran Kranz, Dollhouse)
They’d be those two kids who were just so weird and geniusy in school that nobody else knew what the hell to say to them, so even though they were different sorts of geniuses, they’d band together.  And then everyone else would be blinded by their sheer awesome and the Hawaiian shirts and argyle sweater-vests next to each other.  They’d never shut up, ever; they’d try to tell each other about flying and neuroscience and just get distracted by dinosaurs and sarcastic cat posters and ridiculous sentences that defied the rules of conventional grammar in favor of superior awkward geek grammar.  Then Zoe or Bennett (because in the land of this nonsense, she didn’t get a bullet in her brainpan k?) or Mal or Adelle or whoever would walk in the room and have no idea what they were talking about and chuckle and roll their eyes and stuff.

5, 4.  River Tam (Summer Glau, Firefly/Serenity) and Luna Lovegood (Evanna Lynch, Harry Potter) OR Drusilla (Juliet Landau, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel)
CRAZY PARTY!!!  River and Luna would wander around sans shoes saying things that made no sense to anyone and yet made perfect sense in whatever weird way.  Luna would make River some ridiculous vegetable jewelry (probably not earrings, she doesn’t have her ears pierced I don’t think, or at least she doesn’t wear earrings, but maybe a necklace or a bracelet or something — OH MY GOSH YES, friendship bracelet of crazy).  River would just ~know~ about the magic thing, even though she’s technically a Muggle she sort of isn’t so she’d figure a lot of it out, and it would drive her crazy that there wasn’t a proper explanation for most of it.  They’d be all vague and floaty and yet straight-forward as hell with each other.
River and Dru?  Well.  Like I said, CRAZY PARTY.  Dru would totally dress River up like a giant life-size doll and say sympathetic vague things about how it’s not fun to be psychic.  River would sigh and roll her eyes and remind Dru consistently that she’s not bothered by blood whatsoever.  Simon, meanwhile, would be over in the corner being all adorably paranoid about River’s making friends with a psychotic vampire, and River would just shrug it off.   “She can take care of herself, gēgē~”  Besides, she’d add, Dru thinks she’s too adorable and brilliant to attack.

3. Bennett Halverson (Summer Glau, Dollhouse) and Emma Pillsbury (Jayma Mays, Glee)
Imagine the cardigans and neuroticism parties that would ensue.  They’d drink tea and, like, organize stuff, and they’d be talking about work in the world’s vaguest terms but it’s okay because they’re both just ~private~ that way and even despite that they’d vaguely hit on guy talk sometimes and it would be so amazingly awkward but so, so good for the both of them to have someone to talk to.  Bennett would give Emma the world’s most technical OCD advice, and repeatedly tell her she isn’t crazy in that amazing muttery way, at which point Emma would remind Bennett that she isn’t either, and then there would be more tea to drink.  They could totally trade cardigans, too, and it would be beautiful.

2. Irene Adler (well, in the most recent movie Rachel McAdams, but bookverse, too, Sherlock Holmes) and YoSaffBridge (Christina Hendricks, Firefly)
Literally I had this idea while writing my midterm in my British literature class this last week, and it took all of my willpower not to flip to the last page of my blue book and scribble IRENE & YOSAFFBRIDGE WOULD BE THE BEST BUDDIES EVER.  Or allude to the fact that Irene could so very much marry men for the fun of conning the crap out of them sometimes, who knows.  They’d be those best friends that always compete with each other over everything.  “Well I just stole some guy’s historical laser pistol and oh yeah he was my husband and stuff!”  “Well I just blackmailed a king and it was fantastical!”  Even though they’d also be giggling and swapping these stories in detail and trading Conning Men tips and stuff.

1. Donnie Darko (Jake Gyllenhaal, Donnie Darko) and Alice Kingsleigh (…going with Mia Wasikowska, Alice in Wonderland)
CRAZY PARTY, PART TWO!  Imagine the magic of two people with possibly imaginary bunny friends and possible quasi-schizophrenia rambling together about nonsense.  They could have fun angsty teenager moments of “AUGH SOCIETY IS SO LAME” and silly moments of “LOL BUNNY” and everything in between.  This may or may not have been the pair that inspired this list in the first place, just sayin’.

–your fangirl heroine.

Sundry Sunday :: 10 lady-type reasons that gingers aren’t evil

24 Jan

Because, honestly, how could you judge a category containing all of these women as being anything but adorable and awesome?  Honestly?

10. Alison Pill as Kim Pine in Scott Pilgrim
Yep, she won my heart almost instantly.  Even though she’s a conditional ginger, still, awwww.  Repping the sarcastic girls, the ones in the background of everyone else’s life, the ones who dress Gothic Lolita just for the heck of it.  Too much awesome, and she counts because I said so.

9. Neko Case
Not only is her music beautiful, uhm.  PACIFIC NORTHWEST, WHAAAAT.  Way to be someone cool, Neko Case.  Way to be someone cool.  And way to be randomly featured in that crappy movie Hell Ride with Eric Balfour.  Boom, all sorts of crap, then, oh hey, Neko Case song.  Made of win.

8. Deborah Ann Woll (here seen as Jessica Hamby in True Blood)
She’s singlehandedly the reason I prefer the TV show’s canon a little bit.  She’s just all kinds of precious, and I kind of adore her.  And Deborah Ann Woll?  Yeah, more with the precious.  And I’m a sucker for blue eyes, and — aw.  Way to be.  The whole coming to terms with one’s vampirism bit is quite well played, and… yeah.

7.  Emma Stone
She’s sort of always awesome.  She’s feisty, and I like that about her.  She rocks the glasses in The House Bunny, and the con-woman thing in Zombieland, and she even manages to make a black eye cute in Superbad.  Her episode of SNL was one of my favorites of the season so far; that French dancing random skit was too adorable for words.  Apparently she’s in the Spider-man reboot?  Well, if it doesn’t go as terribly as the Spider-man musical, cool I guess, even though she won’t be repping the ginger there.

6. Jayma Mays (here seen as Emma Pillsbury in Glee)
I’m pretty sure she is the dictionary definition of the word “precious,” actually.  Especially on Glee.  Nobody else could get away with dressing that precociously as an adult, but she rocks it, and even though they changed the lyrics of “Touch-A” all to hell, she did it so cutely.  (She really is kind of a perfect ginger!Janet.)  Like actually a lot of the women on this list, she has an amazingly expressive face.

5. Jenny Lewis
My goddess of song.  Really, this woman is infallible.  I even allow her to wear rompers, and that is something most human beings just should not do ever.  Her songs are beautiful, whether it’s with Rilo Kiley or her solo stuff.  (Her second solo album especially has gotten so much play from me.)  She’s talented and awesome and she really does put on a great show.

4. Felicia Day
(Shockingly, I’d never come across the awesome that is this picture before.  I’m completely in love.  Nothing more awesome than a fierce Joss-mafia sexy librarian.)  She’s kind of one of my heroes, being all-around awesome and all.  Not only is she by all calculations Joss’s most used femme (Buffy, Dr. Horrible, and Dollhouse all) she’s the enterpreneur behind her very own webshow of geeky awesome.  I admit I haven’t actually watched most of The Guild but it’s on my list, okay?  Definitely on my list.

3. Kate Nash
I’ve always been a sucker for British singers who actually sound British when they sing, but Kate Nash charmed me instantly.  Her music is adorable, and I can probably find a Kate Nash song for most not ultra depressive moods and emotions.  And she’s sort of adorable too.  One of those girls who just vintages it up in ways you wouldn’t even think of, yet it always comes together so well.

2. Alyson Hannigan
Is literally the single most AW-inducing person on the planet.  I admit I could be slightly biased for Willow Rosenberg-shaped reasons, but.  AW.  Rarely does an actress make me smile so hard just by existing.  And, y’know, adorable Alexis Denisof showmance, that’s a big plus too.  Just all sorts of AW.

1. Christina Hendricks
As if anyone else could have topped my list.  Saffron, Joan, my ladylove.  Bombshelling it up all over Hollywood, being awesome and beautiful and funny and talented.  I legitimately admire this woman.

Well, there you have it.  Really, this could have also been titled “10 ginger girlcrushes,” but hey.

–your fangirl heroine.