Tag Archives: the shawshank redemption

Superlative Sunday :: looking back over 5 of the most recent Best Picture Oscar triumphs that surprise me

8 Jul

Because sometimes I think about these things for no reason other than I watch movies that really should have won, all right?  And “recent” is a relative term, really.

5. 2002: Chicago beats Gangs of New York
I mean, I love Chicago.  Hence the junior high school Chicago-themed birthday party.  And I am all for musicals, which is also an obvious fact.  In a different year, I’d be comfortable in retrospect with Chicago‘s glitz and glam winning out over most things.  But up against Gangs Of New York?  Which is a historical epic with a brilliant script and incredible attention to detail?  It seems a bit odd.

4. 1998: Shakespeare in Love beats Saving Private Ryan
I’ve only really seen Saving Private Ryan through the whole way once.  I’ve seen pieces other times, but.  I’m not generally a big war epic kind of person.  Honestly, the only “war movie” I class as a favorite is Inglourious Basterds, and that doesn’t even really probably count.  I am sometimes a philistine, but I can recognize movies that are very, very good, and Saving Private Ryan is one.  On the other hand, Shakespeare in Love is… well.  I am not anti-romance, but I am also not the person who should accurately judge romantic films.  But Saving Private Ryanit ain’t.

3. 1997: Titanic beats L.A. Confidential
Thoughts already discussed.

2, 1. 1994: Forrest Gump beats Pulp Fiction and The Shawshank Redemption
Partially a surprise because goddamn, I love Pulp Fiction and still find it shocking that Quentin Tarantino has not won Best Picture before, partially a surprise because… really?  Forrest Gump is a good movie, and a bunch of kids I went to high school with walked around quoting it all the time.  It referenced many historical events and was clever and well-made and emotional.  But The Shawshank Redmption is another one of those movies that, yeah, it’s not ever going to be one of my favorites, but damn, I can recognize it is really fantastic.  I dunno.  It just seems like Forrest Gump is a less-likely choice of the bunch.

–your fangirl heroine.