Tag Archives: rainn wilson

Spoiler Alert Saturday :: my thoughts on Super

1 May

I will begin with shamelessly stating that yes, I did just see in Entertainment Weekly that Nathan Fillion was in it and had to watch for that reason.  And that it was the writer/director from Slither, too, James Gunn, that certainly helped (I’m a morbid freak, so I thought that movie was hilarious).  And that Ellen Page was going to be there adorable-ing it up, that helped, too.

It’s certainly no great epic spectacle of spectacular or something like that.  But it’s a lot of fun, and it’s pretty ridiculous.  And when they get into the action?  Just as messed up.

Kevin Bacon was a convincing creeper.  Liv Tyler was appropriately “ooo drugs”-y.  Rainn Wilson was appropriately “I’mma go beat up some guys now even if I’m unlikely and stuff.”  He beat some guys up, he used a wrench to do it.  And that was awesome.  I mean, I don’t know where the writers thought that up, but tools are very efficient beating-up objects if used properly.  I’d assume.  I mean… y’know, I’ve never beat anyone up.  Nor do I really want to.  But it seems practical enough?

And Ellen Page was appropriately adorable.  I sort of wanted to slap her when she was coming onto Rainn Wilson (though seriously, Rainn Wilson?  How did you not just go ‘oh, okay’ to that?) but she was precious the rest of the time.  I sort of understand why what happened to her had to happen, but it still made me sad because I liked her more than the others, maybe just because she was such a spazzy insane geek.  I use every one of those terms very seriously, too.

And, of course, my man Nathan Fillion.  Well, he wasn’t in it that much.  But when he was he made me giggle hysterically, continually, and that’s really rare.  An Evangelical television superhero?  Awesome stuff.  Sort of like if the narrator guy from Reefer Madness was a superhero, and a little more overtly YAY JESUS.

All in all?  A fun little adventure.  And hurrah for the bittersweetly happy ending, too.  I mean I won’t give it away, but it’s refreshing.

–your fangirl heroine.