Tag Archives: kelli garner

Fictional Friday :: 5 more more women I’d love to invent an alternate canon for

14 Dec

5. Julia Sagorsky (Wrenn Schmidt, Boardwalk Empire)
Julia and Richard (Jack Huston) are/were the shining light of a lot of this last season of Boardwalk Empire.  There was darkness and drama all around, but once these two got past the various obstacles in their way (and if you as a viewer could pretend that their happiness didn’t probably spell their eventual doom, as with Margaret and Owen) they were oddly endearing.  But the unfortunate thing about this showis that it takes a really long time for supporting characters’ personalities to really build, so though we know details about Julia’s past and background, we don’t really know her yet.  Which makes me sad.  Ergo: I would like an alt-canon that involves getting to know her better not in the context of Richard, her father, or her dead brother, that involves her and Richard hanging out and being sweet and getting to know each other better without ominous looming doom, and that does not involve “surprise!  Have a small child because he needs to be safe but I have to go see you later!”

4. Kate Cameron (Kelli Garner, Pan Am)
I’ve mentioned this in passing before, right?  “How this show was just a parade of missed opportunities and how I love Kelli Garner for reasons I don’t understand but this was a waste of her” being it, naturally.  In the first few episodes, I was really excited.  Flight attendant who’s a secret government agent person?  Hell yeah.  Sassy redheaded flight attendant who for a while was defined by her relationships with her sisters, friends and coworkers, but that was it?  Hell, yeah.  Then that premise just combusted.  It was too much for me to hope to have a show about women that didn’t have every single one of them involved in romantic upheaval, wasn’t it?  She got increasingly snivelly over the show’s short run, too.  I humbly suggest taking the cool, unattached secret government agent person and letting her have vintage secret agent adventures, but not with a plot getting increasingly tied up in annoying interpersonal knots.  Kind of like a vintage female James Bond without romantic subplots or something.

3, 2.  Bernadette Rostenkowski and Amy Farrah Fowler (Melissa Rauch and Mayim Bialik, The Big Bang Theory)
Normally, I’d put different paragraphs for each even if they were from the same canon, but my problem here applies to both of them, so.  One of my people likes The Big Bang Theory, and is often the quickest to dibs the remote control, so it’s often on in our house.  (Despite the fact that the episodes that repeat are so frequently the same that it would be laughable if it wasn’t mind-numbing.)  At first, I tolerated it pretty well, but the more I watched, the yickier I felt.  There are many problems with broad laugh-track comedies, there are many problems with this show as a whole, but the one I feel most licensed to go on about is the lady problem.  During an episode the other day, I commented that I’d love for there to be a show that was just Bernadette and Amy, both of whom I like the essences of but not the handling of, hanging out being female friends doing science, a show where they were not the punchlines.  “That’s how comedy works,” the above-mentioned person declared.  But… not exactly?  You can have a show where people do things, like actually make jokes or actually behave in a ridiculous fashion, that are punchlines without their character being the punchline.  As geeks and as women, Bernadette and Amy both are victims of this on the show: oh, isn’t it funny, they’re talking about science.  Oh, isn’t it funny, they’re talking about sex.  Oh, isn’t it funny, Amy is literal-minded and Bernadette is kind of cutesy but actually really smart.  Those things aren’t jokes, though.  It’s laughing literally at them just for being who they are.  And as someone who both appreciates literal-mindedness and cute things (like Bernadette’s cardigan collection), as someone who is a girl and who may not be a scientist but likes other people talking about science, I can’t really laugh along with the track.  Also, both characters exist solely in relation to their male counterpart, Amy in relation to Sheldon and Bernadette in relation to Howard, and that’s stupid and limiting.  Hence why I want them to exist in a world that’s better-written so they aren’t just walking jokes, relationship commodities, and targets of male characters’ subtle or not-subtle misogyny where they just hang out and do science and get to be proper friends and not just friends-for-comedy’s-sake.

1. Mary Bennet (Pride and Prejudice)
I’ve definitely talked about this before.  And I do like The Lizzie Bennet Diaries’ Mary.  She was pretty okay.  It just astounds me that nobody has latched onto the blatant opportunity that is before them.  You could write Pride and Prejudice from Mary’s perspective, you could write a completely separate story about Mary.  As I’m thinking about it now, it’s actually kind of the same problem as with Bernadette and Amy.  In most versions of Pride and Prejudice, Mary is really nothing more than a punchline.  An occasionally absurdist one, but nonetheless.  And Mary is my darling.  She deserves a fully realized story without people thinking she’s ridiculous for being serious, single-minded, and antisocial.

–your fangirl heroine.

bore me to tears please

Sundry Sunday :: 6 actors and actresses with pretty eyes that sometimes look blue, sometimes look green, and are always pretty!

29 Apr

These are the eyes that are deemed changeable; they look to be different colors in different lights and different pictures, they are often Googleable under the searches “___ blue eyes” or “___ green eyes,” they’re lovely, sometimes they’re a bluish green or a greenish blue, a light hazel with occasional blue tinting, or some blue-on-the-outside green-on-the-inside combination.  But they’re lovely.

6. Kelli Garner

I don’t know why I have such a weird soft spot for Kelli Garner.  It’s not pertaining to any particular project she’s done, as a lot of the movies I’ve seen her in have been ridiculous, it’s not because of the such-high-hopes-that-sort-of-failed mess of good intentions that was Pan Am (though I really did appreciate her character until they felt compelled to write her a romantic subplot), it’s not pertaining to anything, really.  I just find her face endearing. 

5. Charlie Hunnam

(The scruff, I could do without.   I choose this picture for two reasons, though: pinstripes, yes, and tie that if you ignore the little crests hanging out, that’s totally a Ravenclaw tie.)  Charlie Hunnam just has pretty eyes.  Charlie Hunnam, when not scruffy or motorbiked out, is often just pretty.

4. Scarlett Johansson

In some pictures of her, I swear her eyes are green.  Sometimes I swear they’re blue.  Sometimes they’re in between.  Sometimes I don’t even know how to describe them, but they are gorgeous.

3. Melanie Laurent

Same situation.  After my first time seeing Inglourious Basterds, I would have sworn up and down that she had blue eyes, but then I looked again, and they looked greenish, and then both.  Really, really light green, maybe.  Blue-green.  It doesn’t matter, they’re lovely.

2. Fran Kranz

As seen here.  This is what I’m talking about when I say light hazel with a sometimes blue tint.  It really depends on the lighting, but… you know, also it doesn’t matter. because regardless of color, his eyes are freaking beautiful.

1. Emilia Clarke

She’s that thing I mentioned of blue-on-the-outside, green-on-the-inside.  I am kind of having an Emilia Clarke moment lately, and while her eyes are not why, they certainly help.  Because.  Yes.  So lovely.

–your fangirl heroine.

Television Tuesday :: I am a busy busy little nerd.

27 Jul

Some television shows I need to watch:

Doctor Who (Everyone keeps telling me this.  My cousins, my friends, my uncle, the interwebs, my dad’s friends… I just worry about the time commitment.)
(Because even though I know more or less what happens and it seems vaguely ridiculous it’s gonna be fun, I’m sure, and characters, and Amy Acker I don’t have to hate, and MORE DRUSILLA AND SPIKE AND YES YES YES.)
(See above.)

Some television shows I need to finish watching:

The Sopranos (A season and a half left?  It’s a big old commitment but it’s so very worth it.)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
(I’m so so so so close!  Twelve episodes left!  I’m a terrible Whedongeek for not having finished sooner, but time, again.  I’m so close and augh it’s just kicking my heart in the ass.)
Lie to Me (Not nearly as close.  Three seasons minus three episodes left.  I like that assistant-y guy, though, he’s my type.  Sweatervests and glasses.)
Castle (Three seasons minus… six or seven episodes left?  And whenever the new season(s) begin(s) again?  But, c’mon, Nathanface.  Most beautiful ever.)
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
(Twenty-four episodes left, I think?  Summerface is just as beautiful.  I just need to sit down and marathon it.)

Some television shows I cannot wait for the next seasons of:

Boardwalk Empire (Once True Blood‘s done… oh, man.  It’s gonna be epic.)
Mad Men
(Augh 2012 you are so far away.  We just started rewatching and it’s making me itch.)
Sons of Anarchy  (Fall!  Thank goodness for that.)
The Walking Dead
(Also gonna be ages away.  Sadness.)

Some television shows I guess I’ll watch the next season of:

Glee (I’m hoping the writers go back to what worked and away from fanservice.  Sigh.)

Some television shows I am currently drooling over:

True Blood (Yummmmmmm.  That is all.)

Some television shows I will be watching when they premiere:

Ringer (Sarah Michelle I love youuuu.  Identity confusion I love youuuu.  Ioan Gruffudd my mom likes youuuu.  Winning formula?  I hope so.  Don’t drag me in like you did with Southland, babygirl, that’s all I ask)
Pan Am (okay, yes.  It’s Mad Men in the sky.  I’m pretty sure, anyway.  But it looks cute, and I also love Kelli Garner, and I love the sixties, and Mad Men‘s not back till 2012 anyway so I need a filler.)
New Girl (I will watch for Zooey Deschanel.  If it sucks, I’ll… probably stop.  But I’m really hoping it doesn’t suck.)
2 Broke Girls (I will watch for Kat Dennings and cupcakes.  If it sucks, I’ll… probably stop.  But I’m really hoping it doesn’t suck either.)

–your fangirl heroine.