Tag Archives: castle

Television Tuesday :: 6 television shows I need desperately to finish watching

27 Nov

As evidenced by the multitudes of television feelings I routinely write about on this blog, I watch a lot of television.  As evidenced by the fact that my only set weekly social activity is television night with a friend, where we juggle between two and four television programs at a time and vary our lineup in accordance with what is currently airing, I watch a lot of television.  I am unashamed of this fact, because to me watching a lot of television, provided it’s good television, is just like watching a lot of (good) movies or something.  I’ve mentioned before that I’m one of those (rare in my experience) English majors who believes you can get things of literary merit on a screen if you know where to look, possibly.

That said, I regularly get told I need to finish watching things, and my response is always “I KNOW BUT LEAVE ME ALONE LET ME FINISH [the five shows I’m currently working through at any given time] AND THEN MAYBE I’LL HAVE TIME.”  The capslocking, while silly, is very necessary to illustrate the anxiety in my voice whenever I have this conversation.

So, both to write out a to-do list for myself and to make a convenient list I can refer to when informing people what I really do swear I’m going to get around to finishing, I present the following.  There will be a companion list of things I am regularly told to watch, but never have, but that’s another night.

6. Angel
I fully realize that I lose Whedon street cred for not being done with Angel yet, but I was a late entry to Buffy and the friend(s) that I borrowed it from all lacked Angel.  Given the sporadic nature of my time-having, renting it would have been impractical, so it was thank goodness when it showed up on Netflix Instant.  I’m through season two, with the intention to do more over winter break when I’m not reading A Storm of Swords.

5. Parks and Recreation
And this is what I’ll be doing over winter break when I need a reprieve from monsters and/or heartbreak.  Also thanks to Netflix Instant, I’m somewhere in season three, I believe.

4. Community
I’m through season one, and I do really enjoy it (and not just for Alison Brie, though she’s sort of my favorite probably).  It, like the two listed above, is a show I watch by myself and not with others, so since I’m only in the “watching television alone” mood sometimes (and since I only have time for watching television alone sometimes) it’s taking longer than it otherwise would, possibly.

3. Veronica Mars
I borrowed season one of this ages ago from a high school friend, watched it, enjoyed it, then didn’t see that friend again (due to high school ending) and never got around to watching the rest of it.  Which I know I should, because it was enjoyable and I did like it.

2. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
I borrowed season one of this ages ago from the friend who I do weekly television with, watched it, enjoyed it, and just keep forgetting to ask about season two because I am busy with life and we are busy with twenty other television programs.  Also, knowing that season two is more than twice as long as easy-to-breeze-through season one is daunting in its way.

1. Castle
I actually own the first two seasons of this, and we occasionally throw an episode in on weekly television night when there’s nothing else to do, but the problem is that there’s always something else to do, so we’re still stuck in season two.

This is a list of things I’ve alluded to before, but compiling it in one place calms my nerves.

–your fangirl heroine.

Sundry Sunday :: an “I went there for you” 6 list

18 Mar

“I went there for you” lists are lists of actors who I appreciate so much based on one or more performances that I will literally go out of my way to view one or more other performances of theirs.  This is sometimes rewarding; this is sometimes disastrous.  But hey.

6. Nathan Fillion

Nathan Fillion.  Geeky god-king of the Whedonverse.  Someone I have never not enjoyed.  I appreciated Nathan for Firefly and for Dr. Horrible, and because of my appreciation for him, followed him to Super and Castle, the latter of which is seen above and which I admit that I am woefully, heinously behind in (approximately season two, because I just keep getting distracted with other projects).  I realized that I had already seen him in Slither, which was directed by James Gunn just like Super was; I had watched that just because I enjoy campy-ass, morbid horror semi-comedies, but that works as well.  He is just delightful.

5, 4. Lea Michele and Matthew Morrison

As I have before mentioned, I was basically a Spring Awakening groupie.  I still love it with all my heart.  I naturally found Lea through that, and thought she sang pretty and such.  I saw the original cast of The Light in the Piazza, too, and I absolutely was in love with Matthew Morrison in it, singing so beautifully in Italian all over the place.  So naturally, when I heard all that while ago that they were going to be in a singing television program together, I went “YAY!!” and prepared to fangirl.  Glee, seen above, is one of those “I went there for you” moments that I am now… mildly regretting, though, for the reasons I’ve mentioned before; also, it sucks that I don’t really like… well, a lot of the characters, but I really don’t like Rachel that much, and I really don’t like Will that much, and while Lea gets to sing all the time, Matt doesn’t get to show off what he can actually do.  I miss when he sang in Italian and sustained notes and it was lovely.

3. Dichen Lachman

I love her more every time I see her face.  I fell for Dichen because of Dollhouse, obviously (just like I fell for… most of the cast that I hadn’t already fallen for already).  But I’ve followed her now to two different places: Torchwood: Miracle Day and now the US Being Human, seen above.  I’d never watched Torchwood before, I’d never watched Being Human before, but that’s just how it is.  I didn’t really love Torchwood (I hear that I would enjoy the original more, so I’m not ruling it out in the future), and I admit that I watch her Being Human episodes on my laptop and just do other things in other tabs until I hear/see her scenes come on, but I do love her.  Even when it’s something I do not otherwise care about whatsoever.

2. Patrick Fugit

Surprise!  This is a predictable list, yes.  After falling in love with him in Almost Famous, I proceeded to follow Patrick Fugit to Saved, to Bickford Schmeckler’s Cool Ideas (which is an example of psychic going there for someone, too, since my much-loved Fran Kranz is there t00), to The Amateurs, to Wristcutters: A Love Story, seen above, to We Bought a Zoo, to Cinema Verite… yeah.  Everywhere.  But the thing is, I’m usually not disappointed.  A lot of those aren’t my favorite movies like Almost Famous is, but I don’t dislike any of them.  And I always love him.

1. Summer Glau

But my darling Summer… takes me to places I regret going sometimes.  Firefly was what made me love her, too, and I didn’t follow her to Dollhouse because I was already there, but I obviously regret nothing about that experience; it’s… well, a lot of the rest.  It’s following her to The Cape, seen above; I think I used that picture back in the day when I tried to put the most positive spin I could on my Cape-watching experience, because really, aside from the one girl who was on Deadwood who I decided was my Nolanized Harley Quinn, the above scene is kind of one of the only things I remember about that show.  I tried so hard to enjoy myself with it, but I couldn’t even finish it, and that’s saying something considering my compulsion to finish everything I begin.  It’s following her to Deadly Honeymoon, which I tumbled about that once and… well, yes.  I didn’t mind following her to Alphas, that I liked fairly well; I still haven’t actually watched that show aside from her episode, though I know I should (more with the time constraints).  But it’s not as unfailingly successful, following her places.  Which is a shame, because she tries to make the best of everything no matter where she ends up, and that’s admirable.

–your fangirl heroine.

Television Tuesday :: 10 actors and actresses with amazing facial reactions

6 Dec

Recently while watching Glee (well, Mercedes isn’t pregnant, so my ultimatum didn’t come to be; I’m thinking of making another one, because at this point continuing to watch just feels like I’m wasting my time and making myself way too cranky, but I haven’t been able to yet, because I am terrible at stopping watching things in the middle), I was liveblogging it (except not really, because I was just writing notes on paper so the people around me didn’t want to punch me), and I wrote this down: “I would watch 45 minutes of Jayma Mays’ facial reactions to things.”  It wouldn’t have to even be facial reactions to audible conversations.  I could just watch her face be ridiculous and adorable and expressive all over the place while other off-screen people presumably talked and instrumental music played or something. Then I realized that I could watch this for many, many people, and a list was born.  A list that is 60% Whedon actors, this go-round, but I think this is almost inevitable.

10. Jayma Mays (here pictured as Emma Pillsbury in Glee)

The approximately three minutes of onscreen Emma time per episode constitute one of the only reasons I don’t completely hate that I can’t look away from the train wreck that Glee has become yet.  Those three adorable minutes make up for so much painful.  I like to watch Jayma react to people and pretend she’s somewhere else making those adorable faces at someone more interesting.

9. Nelsan Ellis (here pictured as Lafayette Reynolds in True Blood)

Have I mentioned this before?  Well, not in the “45 minutes straight of Nelsan Ellis face” context exactly, but pretty much.

8. Amy Acker (here seen as Claire Saunders in Dollhouse)

Remember the confusing Claire feelings?  Yep.  I’ve seen some pictures of Amy in Angel, and she was adorable, but since I haven’t seen Angel (well, any of her episodes) I can’t feel qualified to comment.  Instead?  Some pictures of Claire!Amy being expressive and stuff.  (In case you haven’t picked up on it or don’t, I have a thing for elaborate eye rolling faces.)

7. Nathan Fillion (here seen as Malcolm Reynolds in Firefly, Captain Hammer in Dr. Horrible, and Richard Castle in Castle)

This man has some of the most amazing facial reactions on the planet.  And a lot of the funny ones were in the background of a conversation, and therefore the caps weren’t as high-quality, but here’s a nice range of amiable and cocky and know-it-all.

6. Alyson Hannigan (here seen as Willow Rosenberg in Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Ditto the comments re: Amy and Angel as to why I didn’t pull some Lily Aldrin of How I Met Your Mother in here.  I’ve seen a few episodes, but not enough.  And Willow face is my favorite face.  She is my original could-watch-this-forever face.  At least of recent years.

5. Timothy Olyphant (here seen as Seth Bullock in Deadwood and Raylan Givens in Justified)

Timothy’s face is often intense and glowery, as per the first picture, but he can smirk and pout with the best of them, too.

4. Summer Glau (here seen as River Tam in Firefly, Cameron Phillips in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, and Bennett Halverson in Dollhouse)

Yes, this is the most predictable list of all time, but really?  I feel like I just want animated gifs of every facial expression reaction series this woman ever makes.  She can say so much with individual looks.  Shocked, emotive, passive, happy, sad, dangerous, knowing, vulnerable, badass, shy, silly, all of it.

3. Bill Hader (here seen in various Saturday Night Live sketches)

This man is one of the best parts of SNL.  No matter what he’s doing, he’s making the greatest faces of all time.  Even if — especially if — he’s just in the background.  Sometimes the entire point of a sketch seems to be to let him make progressively more absurd faces, and I’m good with it.

2. Morena Baccarin (here seen as Inara Serra in Firefly)

She has every facial expression, and her vulnerable ones are rarer but beautiful and poignant and all that, but she can just make the greatest snark faces of all time, too.  Pure eye rolling vitriolic doom faces, smirky know-it-all faces.

1. Fran Kranz (here seen as Topher Brink in Dollhouse)

The predictable continues, but I am unashamed.  I always love him, but he’s earned the number one spot this week with the release of the trailer for The Cabin in the Woods – I didn’t have caps of it, and anyway it’s a film so not relevant to Television Tuesday, but he was making brilliant faces the entire time.  The trailer is like 1/4 his brilliant faces.  And really.  I can never get tired of his expressions.

–your fangirl heroine.

Superlative Sunday :: the 2012 People’s Choice Awards nominations

27 Nov

Like a good fangeek, I went to cast my votes for the People’s Choice Awards nominees when they were selecting them.  I wanted to make sure there would be some nominees I cared about.  I just… couldn’t care about so many of the prospective nominees.  I was, predictably, all gung ho for the cable television drama nominees, but I skipped most of the network drama and comedy nominees; film was a similar case.  And for music, as evidenced by my various statistics in weeks past, I just voted for Adele whenever I could and skipped everything else.

So, here’s a list of the official nominees I actually care about.

CATEGORIES I CANNOT JUDGE: Favorite Drama Movie, Favorite Comedic Movie Actor, Favorite Animated Movie Voice, Favorite Network TV Drama, Favorite TV Drama Actress, Favorite TV Competition Show, Favorite Daytime TV Host, Favorite Late Night TV Host, Favorite TV Celebreality Star, Favorite Male Artist, Favorite Pop Artist, Favorite Hip-Hop Artist, Favorite R&B Artist, Favorite Band, Favorite Country Artist, Favorite Tour Headliner.

Favorite Movie:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2

Favorite Movie Actor:
I have enjoyed films that feature all of them (Daniel Radcliffe, Hugh Jackman, Johnny Depp, Robert Pattinson [because he was in Goblet of Fire], and Ryan Reynolds) but I would not give any of them this vote.  Nope.

Favorite Movie Actress:
Please Emma Stone forever.  The more I think about her and see her in things, the more I love her.

Favorite Movie Icon:
There is no definition of “icon,” is there?  Morgan Freeman is a badass narrator, though, so I guess I vote him?

Favorite Action Movie:
Here, I am torn.  Part of me wants to vote Deathly Hallows always, but part of me wants to vote X-Men: First Class, because it is wonderful and brilliant.

Favorite Action Movie Star:
The title of the category doesn’t specify “male,” but apparently you have to be a male to be nominated.  It’s 40% of the same actors in the Favorite Movie Actor category, and the others don’t even warrant mentioning.

Favorite Comedy Movie:
By Emma Stone+Liza Lapira best friends default, I vote Crazy, Stupid, Love.  I guess.

Favorite Comedic Movie Actress:
Again, Emma Stone for everything.  (Though I think it’s funny to call Natalie Portman a “comedic” movie actress based on one or two films.)

Favorite Movie Star Under 25:
It’s kinda just Chloe Moretz vs. everyone from Harry Potter, and as much as I love everyone from Harry Potter, Chloe Moretz is a baby badass and I adore her.

Favorite Ensemble Movie Cast:
Same problem as in Favorite Action Movie.

Favorite Movie Superhero:
Why does Mystique count as a hero if Magneto doesn’t?  They both try to do hero things, then go “bad” by the end.  I vote for James McAvoy instead.  (ALL THE X-MEN.)

Favorite Book Adaptation:
Harry Potter.  Again.  Always.

Favorite TV Drama Actor:
Nathan Fillion can have every vote, right?  (Even if I’m not up to current on Castle yet.)

Favorite Network TV Comedy:
I’ve only seen a few episodes of The Big Bang Theory, but I’ll give it my vote.

Favorite TV Comedy Actor:
Jim Parsons and Neil Patrick Harris get my votes on principle.

Favorite TV Comedy Actress:
I don’t watch 30 Rock, but I loved Tina Fey on SNL, so, again, on principle.

Favorite Cable TV Comedy:
Weeds, please.

Favorite TV Crime Drama:
Castle.  Always and forever.

Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show:
True Blood and The Walking Dead are both really more “horror,” but they both get votes from my heart.  (A little more for True Blood.)

Favorite TV Guest Star:
I will allow this one win for Glee, just for Kristin Chenoweth’s street cred.

Favorite New TV Drama:
Pan Am for the clothes, Ringer for the camp.

Favorite New TV Comedy:
2 Broke Girls for the snarky Kat Dennings, New Girl for the nerdtastic Zooey Deschanel.

Favorite Female Artist, Favorite Song of the Year, Favorite Album of the Year, Favorite Music Video:
Some combination of Adele, “Rolling in the Deep,” and 21.  (And I haven’t even seen the video.)

–your fangirl heroine.

Sarcastic Saturday :: I can make crackfiction out of anything.

15 Oct

Usually, the ones I get are just the same grammatically incorrect strings of ! and semi-related words, followed by links and things.  But sometimes, there’s just the ones that are strings of completely unrelated words in a chunk, and those are my favorite.  Case in point:

Order Seat,return account to indicate module separate further friend environment report music direct lift seek certain death version true meal obvious clear defence odd memory hurt individual normal place authority far responsible warn serious master design grant late tradition convention victim recommend odd artist formal plate focus detail aspect considerable facility raise slip exist detailed combine bright neck come usual score culture where image judge paint agreement legal life move estimate traffic official business bind employment plan winner value plate actually considerable objective tell kid sleep choice conclusion conversation little forward come

This is where I attempt to decipher this.  It could be a very important code that kfz versicherung allianz24 erfahrung just has to share, right?

“Order Seat,” like on a train or airplane, perhaps.  “Return account to indicate,” as in when you return to an account it will indicate something?  Your financial statement will show… that you’ve gotten plane tickets!  “Module separate,” nope, it’s definitely a train, module as in compartment.  “Further,” it’s in the back of the train.  “Friend environment,” it’s either a green train or one with very good service.  “Report music,” I’m thinking it must have good service, and entertainment to boot.  “Direct lift,” it’s going to take you straight to where you need it to, no stops or transfers.  “Seek certain death,” well, that’s ominous.  Unless you’ve intended to die, and that’s sad.  But maybe you’re researching for a fictional book about train… murders.  Yeah.  Rick Castle’s going on a researchy train ride.

“Version true meal,” there are different meals that can be ordered on the train, but only one of them’s real.  The rest are all processed and stuff.  (It could be a green train that has good service to boot!)  “Obvious clear defense,” the train has very good security.  That, or Castle is traveling with some of his cop buddies, and they’re not being subtle about their cop-ness.  “Odd memory,” Castle is flashing back to a childhood train trip with his mother, and anything with his mother is odd.  “Hurt individual,” he’s… thinking about Beckett?  “Normal place,” yes.  He’s thinking about Beckett.  They’re totally in a normal place.  (This is the point where I have to point out that I’m only through the first season.)  Except for not, but hey.  “Authority far,” they’re traveling farther and farther away from New York where the police department is.  “Responsible warn serious,” but something bad is going to happen on the train and they have to tell everyone!  “Master design,” it’s a very intricate plan, but they’re going to foil it.

“Grant late tradition,” one of the financial grants that keeps the train pretty has been in place forever, but it hasn’t been paid in a while, so the train people are cranky and… going to seek revenge!  “Convention victim,” they’re going on a train ride to a convention of… of writerpeople!  So Castle has a purpose to journeying other than research!  And they’re going to talk about someone he killed off in his last book.  “Recommend odd artist,” well, Castle’s a weirdo, as far as Beckett’s concerned, but he’s a pulp artist of a kind, and if you like that sort of thing, he’s worth reading.  “Formal plate,” there’s a fancy dinner on the train, and everyone’s got to dress up and be on good manners.  “Focus detail aspect,” and the train people are going to enact their revenge plan, but Castle knows about train parties, so he sees some detail that tips him off to the sketchiness!  “Considerable facility,” it’s a very impressively large train.  “Raise slip exist,” someone’s trying to sneak out the window when the cops chase them.  So they don’t die.

“Detailed combine bright,” there’s a very intricate farming equipment thing traveling by the train when dude opens the window, and its lights are on.  “Neck come usual,” dude jumps off the train, and normally he’d have broken his neck at the angle he fell, but he didn’t.  “Score culture where image judge paint,” if the train hadn’t been fancy and cultured, the clue wouldn’t have been apparent, and Castle couldn’t have judged that he was the source of the weird, because there was a failing in a painting on the plates.  “Agreement legal life,” the dude has to agree to a plea bargain so he doesn’t spend his life in jail.  “Move estimate traffic,” now that the train’s stopped, they have to hurry to get to the convention.  “Official business,” because it’s very serious business.  “Bind employment plan winner,” Castle’s deal with the police has again paid off and everyone wins at life.

“Value plate,” they stop at a roadside diner for breakfast, and it’s cheap and greasy, but it’s fun.  “Actually considerable objective,” Beckett and the others have to admit that this hasn’t been a total waste of time.  “Tell kid sleep,” Castle calls Alexis and she’s been up all night studying and he has to force her to get some rest so she doesn’t wear herself out.  “Choice conclusion,” this is a good ending to the story.  “Conversation little forward come,” Castle and Beckett have a short conversation wherein he invites her to the fancy dinner at the writerpeople convention and wishes he could be more forward about it because he secretly loves her.

Yeah, that’s a nonsensical episode of Castle, but.  It’s a narrative.  That I pulled out of a spam comment.  What even.

–your fangirl heroine.

Television Tuesday :: 5 pretty good parent-child relationships on TV

24 Aug

None of them are perfect.  But they all have their moments.

5. Alma Garret Ellsworth & Whitney Ellsworth and Sofia Metz (Molly Parker, Jim Beaver, and Bree Seanna Wall, Deadwood)
Except for the part where Alma was sometimes strung out on laudanum.  But, y’know, that aside.  Alma takes little Sofia in after her own husband is killed, good riddance, and Sofia’s family is killed too, and having the little darling to care for actually helps motivate her to kick the drugs that first time.  And when Alma marries Ellsworth and they’re a happy family for a little while (but not too long, of course) the relationship that Ellsworth has with Sofia is absolutely precious.

4. Gemma Teller and Jax Teller (Katey Sagal and Charlie Hunnam, Sons of Anarchy)
Sometimes Clay (Ron Perlman) is a good stepdaddy, and sometimes, well, he’s really really not.  But Gemma is an amazing Momma Bear of a woman.  She’s looking out for Jax, she’s there to take care of Jax’s son when he’s not all kidnapped in Ireland, she’s giving damn good advice and handling her business and being generally epic.  And Jax is usually a pretty loving son.  Actually, Gemma’ s sort of the stand-in mom for the whole club, which just proves how damn good at being awesome she is.

3. Joyce Summers and Buffy & Dawn Summers (Kristine Sutherland, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Michelle Trachtenberg, Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Joyce isn’t a perfect mom.  She’s got those moments where you just want to go “GORRAMIT JOYCE.  YOUR DAUGHTER NEEDS TO GO SAVE THE WORLD, AGAIN, SHE DOES NOT HAVE TIME FOR CURFEWS.”  Also those moments where you just want to go “I know you remember Dawnie being there forever, but she’s brand new, stop taking her side aughhh.”  But usually, the relationship she’s got with her daughters is pretty solid.  They can’t talk about everything, but they can talk about a lot of things.  She grew into being chill with the vampire slayage.  And her daughters definitely love her, which means she’s doing something right.

2. Richard Castle and Alexis Castle (Nathan Fillion and Molly C. Quinn, Castle)
I’ve only seen the first season.  But watching an episode thereof tonight was my inspiration for this list.  They’ve got the parent-child/buddy thing down.  I mean, laser tag, how cool is that?  They can talk about pretty much everything, and Alexis’ way of giving helpful advice is sort of precious.  I feel like they’d be the kind of family I’d want to hang around on a semi-regular basis, like if I went to school with Alexis I’d want to have study groups over at her house ’cause it would be friendly and not stressful.

1. Lorelai Gilmore and Rory Gilmore (Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel, Gilmore Girls)
Psh, as if it could be anyone but.  Lorelai and Rory had some rocky times (that stretch of RORY WHO THE HELL ABDUCTED YOUR BODY time around season six for example) but they eventually got through it.  They love each other.  They care about each other.  They’re best friends, and they treat each other like best friends.  And that, that is awesome.

–your fangirl heroine.

Television Tuesday :: I am a busy busy little nerd.

27 Jul

Some television shows I need to watch:

Doctor Who (Everyone keeps telling me this.  My cousins, my friends, my uncle, the interwebs, my dad’s friends… I just worry about the time commitment.)
(Because even though I know more or less what happens and it seems vaguely ridiculous it’s gonna be fun, I’m sure, and characters, and Amy Acker I don’t have to hate, and MORE DRUSILLA AND SPIKE AND YES YES YES.)
(See above.)

Some television shows I need to finish watching:

The Sopranos (A season and a half left?  It’s a big old commitment but it’s so very worth it.)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
(I’m so so so so close!  Twelve episodes left!  I’m a terrible Whedongeek for not having finished sooner, but time, again.  I’m so close and augh it’s just kicking my heart in the ass.)
Lie to Me (Not nearly as close.  Three seasons minus three episodes left.  I like that assistant-y guy, though, he’s my type.  Sweatervests and glasses.)
Castle (Three seasons minus… six or seven episodes left?  And whenever the new season(s) begin(s) again?  But, c’mon, Nathanface.  Most beautiful ever.)
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
(Twenty-four episodes left, I think?  Summerface is just as beautiful.  I just need to sit down and marathon it.)

Some television shows I cannot wait for the next seasons of:

Boardwalk Empire (Once True Blood‘s done… oh, man.  It’s gonna be epic.)
Mad Men
(Augh 2012 you are so far away.  We just started rewatching and it’s making me itch.)
Sons of Anarchy  (Fall!  Thank goodness for that.)
The Walking Dead
(Also gonna be ages away.  Sadness.)

Some television shows I guess I’ll watch the next season of:

Glee (I’m hoping the writers go back to what worked and away from fanservice.  Sigh.)

Some television shows I am currently drooling over:

True Blood (Yummmmmmm.  That is all.)

Some television shows I will be watching when they premiere:

Ringer (Sarah Michelle I love youuuu.  Identity confusion I love youuuu.  Ioan Gruffudd my mom likes youuuu.  Winning formula?  I hope so.  Don’t drag me in like you did with Southland, babygirl, that’s all I ask)
Pan Am (okay, yes.  It’s Mad Men in the sky.  I’m pretty sure, anyway.  But it looks cute, and I also love Kelli Garner, and I love the sixties, and Mad Men‘s not back till 2012 anyway so I need a filler.)
New Girl (I will watch for Zooey Deschanel.  If it sucks, I’ll… probably stop.  But I’m really hoping it doesn’t suck.)
2 Broke Girls (I will watch for Kat Dennings and cupcakes.  If it sucks, I’ll… probably stop.  But I’m really hoping it doesn’t suck either.)

–your fangirl heroine.

Sundry Sunday :: my urban dictionary: Lazy Sunday

11 Jul

Def.: Exactly as it sounds, but as it is a proper noun it refers to the Lonely Island song humorously to describe a Sunday spent doing very little but nomming on snacks and watching a lot of film/television/whatever you wanna watch with your pals.

Usage: Yeah, all the highlights of today were lazing around, four hours of The Sopranos followed by one of True Blood and two of Castle, and fresh strawberries and cream in a waffle-cone bowl, it was a definite Lazy Sunday.

–your fangirl heroine.

Television Tuesday :: summer’s a-comin’.

8 Jun

Rather, it’s more or less already here, and that means for the most part, TV in shorter supply.  I mean, HBO is giving us our True Blood in 19 days (!!!) and that’s something.  Once Camelot is over, Starz is premiering Torchwood: Miracle Day, which… well, I’m not entirely sure how I’d feel about it otherwise, and I’ve never seen the original, but.  Dichen Lachman.  1:36 in.

I don’t know what she’s doing there, exactly, or how long she’ll be there.  Or why that woman is punching her in the face.  I do know that nope, I’m automatically going to watch because she is there.  Because A) epic girlcrush?  I think so, and B) supporting my Whedon women?  I think so.

I dunno.  United States of Tara is ending forever soon.  And it’s not going to be a happy conclusion, I can just tell.  Weeds will be starting again, soon, and that’s good I suppose?  I’m curious to see what in the hell they do with it now that she’s all jail-bound.  We will have Sons of Anarchy, and there’s no kidnapped baby, so that’s a blessing.  We won’t have Glee or anything, but honestly.  I sort of need the break.  The Borgias is over, Game of Thrones will be ending.

In short?  I think it’s time to watch a lot more Buffy and maybe do an epic rewatch of Dollhouse, too, and finally finally start Castle.

–your fangirl heroine.