Tag Archives: torchwood

Television Tuesday :: I am a busy busy little nerd.

27 Jul

Some television shows I need to watch:

Doctor Who (Everyone keeps telling me this.  My cousins, my friends, my uncle, the interwebs, my dad’s friends… I just worry about the time commitment.)
(Because even though I know more or less what happens and it seems vaguely ridiculous it’s gonna be fun, I’m sure, and characters, and Amy Acker I don’t have to hate, and MORE DRUSILLA AND SPIKE AND YES YES YES.)
(See above.)

Some television shows I need to finish watching:

The Sopranos (A season and a half left?  It’s a big old commitment but it’s so very worth it.)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
(I’m so so so so close!  Twelve episodes left!  I’m a terrible Whedongeek for not having finished sooner, but time, again.  I’m so close and augh it’s just kicking my heart in the ass.)
Lie to Me (Not nearly as close.  Three seasons minus three episodes left.  I like that assistant-y guy, though, he’s my type.  Sweatervests and glasses.)
Castle (Three seasons minus… six or seven episodes left?  And whenever the new season(s) begin(s) again?  But, c’mon, Nathanface.  Most beautiful ever.)
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
(Twenty-four episodes left, I think?  Summerface is just as beautiful.  I just need to sit down and marathon it.)

Some television shows I cannot wait for the next seasons of:

Boardwalk Empire (Once True Blood‘s done… oh, man.  It’s gonna be epic.)
Mad Men
(Augh 2012 you are so far away.  We just started rewatching and it’s making me itch.)
Sons of Anarchy  (Fall!  Thank goodness for that.)
The Walking Dead
(Also gonna be ages away.  Sadness.)

Some television shows I guess I’ll watch the next season of:

Glee (I’m hoping the writers go back to what worked and away from fanservice.  Sigh.)

Some television shows I am currently drooling over:

True Blood (Yummmmmmm.  That is all.)

Some television shows I will be watching when they premiere:

Ringer (Sarah Michelle I love youuuu.  Identity confusion I love youuuu.  Ioan Gruffudd my mom likes youuuu.  Winning formula?  I hope so.  Don’t drag me in like you did with Southland, babygirl, that’s all I ask)
Pan Am (okay, yes.  It’s Mad Men in the sky.  I’m pretty sure, anyway.  But it looks cute, and I also love Kelli Garner, and I love the sixties, and Mad Men‘s not back till 2012 anyway so I need a filler.)
New Girl (I will watch for Zooey Deschanel.  If it sucks, I’ll… probably stop.  But I’m really hoping it doesn’t suck.)
2 Broke Girls (I will watch for Kat Dennings and cupcakes.  If it sucks, I’ll… probably stop.  But I’m really hoping it doesn’t suck either.)

–your fangirl heroine.