Tag Archives: lauren graham

Television Tuesday :: 5 pretty good parent-child relationships on TV

24 Aug

None of them are perfect.  But they all have their moments.

5. Alma Garret Ellsworth & Whitney Ellsworth and Sofia Metz (Molly Parker, Jim Beaver, and Bree Seanna Wall, Deadwood)
Except for the part where Alma was sometimes strung out on laudanum.  But, y’know, that aside.  Alma takes little Sofia in after her own husband is killed, good riddance, and Sofia’s family is killed too, and having the little darling to care for actually helps motivate her to kick the drugs that first time.  And when Alma marries Ellsworth and they’re a happy family for a little while (but not too long, of course) the relationship that Ellsworth has with Sofia is absolutely precious.

4. Gemma Teller and Jax Teller (Katey Sagal and Charlie Hunnam, Sons of Anarchy)
Sometimes Clay (Ron Perlman) is a good stepdaddy, and sometimes, well, he’s really really not.  But Gemma is an amazing Momma Bear of a woman.  She’s looking out for Jax, she’s there to take care of Jax’s son when he’s not all kidnapped in Ireland, she’s giving damn good advice and handling her business and being generally epic.  And Jax is usually a pretty loving son.  Actually, Gemma’ s sort of the stand-in mom for the whole club, which just proves how damn good at being awesome she is.

3. Joyce Summers and Buffy & Dawn Summers (Kristine Sutherland, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Michelle Trachtenberg, Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Joyce isn’t a perfect mom.  She’s got those moments where you just want to go “GORRAMIT JOYCE.  YOUR DAUGHTER NEEDS TO GO SAVE THE WORLD, AGAIN, SHE DOES NOT HAVE TIME FOR CURFEWS.”  Also those moments where you just want to go “I know you remember Dawnie being there forever, but she’s brand new, stop taking her side aughhh.”  But usually, the relationship she’s got with her daughters is pretty solid.  They can’t talk about everything, but they can talk about a lot of things.  She grew into being chill with the vampire slayage.  And her daughters definitely love her, which means she’s doing something right.

2. Richard Castle and Alexis Castle (Nathan Fillion and Molly C. Quinn, Castle)
I’ve only seen the first season.  But watching an episode thereof tonight was my inspiration for this list.  They’ve got the parent-child/buddy thing down.  I mean, laser tag, how cool is that?  They can talk about pretty much everything, and Alexis’ way of giving helpful advice is sort of precious.  I feel like they’d be the kind of family I’d want to hang around on a semi-regular basis, like if I went to school with Alexis I’d want to have study groups over at her house ’cause it would be friendly and not stressful.

1. Lorelai Gilmore and Rory Gilmore (Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel, Gilmore Girls)
Psh, as if it could be anyone but.  Lorelai and Rory had some rocky times (that stretch of RORY WHO THE HELL ABDUCTED YOUR BODY time around season six for example) but they eventually got through it.  They love each other.  They care about each other.  They’re best friends, and they treat each other like best friends.  And that, that is awesome.

–your fangirl heroine.