Television Tuesday :: 6 television shows I need desperately to finish watching

27 Nov

As evidenced by the multitudes of television feelings I routinely write about on this blog, I watch a lot of television.  As evidenced by the fact that my only set weekly social activity is television night with a friend, where we juggle between two and four television programs at a time and vary our lineup in accordance with what is currently airing, I watch a lot of television.  I am unashamed of this fact, because to me watching a lot of television, provided it’s good television, is just like watching a lot of (good) movies or something.  I’ve mentioned before that I’m one of those (rare in my experience) English majors who believes you can get things of literary merit on a screen if you know where to look, possibly.

That said, I regularly get told I need to finish watching things, and my response is always “I KNOW BUT LEAVE ME ALONE LET ME FINISH [the five shows I’m currently working through at any given time] AND THEN MAYBE I’LL HAVE TIME.”  The capslocking, while silly, is very necessary to illustrate the anxiety in my voice whenever I have this conversation.

So, both to write out a to-do list for myself and to make a convenient list I can refer to when informing people what I really do swear I’m going to get around to finishing, I present the following.  There will be a companion list of things I am regularly told to watch, but never have, but that’s another night.

6. Angel
I fully realize that I lose Whedon street cred for not being done with Angel yet, but I was a late entry to Buffy and the friend(s) that I borrowed it from all lacked Angel.  Given the sporadic nature of my time-having, renting it would have been impractical, so it was thank goodness when it showed up on Netflix Instant.  I’m through season two, with the intention to do more over winter break when I’m not reading A Storm of Swords.

5. Parks and Recreation
And this is what I’ll be doing over winter break when I need a reprieve from monsters and/or heartbreak.  Also thanks to Netflix Instant, I’m somewhere in season three, I believe.

4. Community
I’m through season one, and I do really enjoy it (and not just for Alison Brie, though she’s sort of my favorite probably).  It, like the two listed above, is a show I watch by myself and not with others, so since I’m only in the “watching television alone” mood sometimes (and since I only have time for watching television alone sometimes) it’s taking longer than it otherwise would, possibly.

3. Veronica Mars
I borrowed season one of this ages ago from a high school friend, watched it, enjoyed it, then didn’t see that friend again (due to high school ending) and never got around to watching the rest of it.  Which I know I should, because it was enjoyable and I did like it.

2. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
I borrowed season one of this ages ago from the friend who I do weekly television with, watched it, enjoyed it, and just keep forgetting to ask about season two because I am busy with life and we are busy with twenty other television programs.  Also, knowing that season two is more than twice as long as easy-to-breeze-through season one is daunting in its way.

1. Castle
I actually own the first two seasons of this, and we occasionally throw an episode in on weekly television night when there’s nothing else to do, but the problem is that there’s always something else to do, so we’re still stuck in season two.

This is a list of things I’ve alluded to before, but compiling it in one place calms my nerves.

–your fangirl heroine.

One Response to “Television Tuesday :: 6 television shows I need desperately to finish watching”

  1. sedatedtabloidreader November 2012 at 5:50 am #


    You should watch all of these. Now. Like literally, right now. All at once.

    If you have a job. Quit.
    If you are in school. Drop out.
    If you have a family. Leave them.

    Then, once you have seen all of those shows (in chronicalogical order, no less) you may resume your previous life and people will love you even more because you will be that much more awesome.

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